Medical emergencies can come at very unexpected times and to anyone. They can also appear in various ways, but, when they occur, treatment must be given quickly. While most people will likely think of going to a hospital emergency room, getting medical care from an emergency urgent care clinic 11204 will enable them to receive the same level of care.
The only difference or exception is that an urgent care clinic cannot treat life-threatening medical issues. Other than that, anything else can be treated at an emergency urgent care clinic 11204 – such as the one in Brooklyn – the Quality First Urgent Care clinic.
Why the Treatment Is the Same
The doctors and medical staff at the Quality First Urgent Care clinic are licensed and Board-certified. They have also worked in emergency rooms, enabling them to provide the same type of treatment that you would receive in an ER at a hospital. The doctors are also specialists in various kinds of medicine, enabling them to provide urgent care for a wide range of medical problems.
Imaging Capabilities
When imaging is needed, the Quality First Urgent Care clinic is prepared for it. In addition to x-rays, the clinic also has a 64-slice CT-scan. This state-of-the-art device provides fast results and is much more detailed than a traditional x-ray. It will also provide the results in 3-D, enabling the doctors an excellent view of the area needing to be examined.
The In-house Lab
The clinic also has a lab in-house. It is a government-approved CLIA Moderately-Complex Lab and it enables results to be given much faster than what could be obtained if the samples had to be sent to an outside lab. Getting the results faster means that your treatment can also be started sooner.
The lab enables the clinic to provide you with several types of lab tests. You can get blood tests, as well as tests for flu, strep throat, HIV, pregnancy, and urinalysis.
Be Seen Fast
A powerful advantage of going to an urgent care clinic is that you will be seen much faster than you would at an emergency room. In an ER, you could wait for many hours before being seen by a doctor. At the Quality First Urgent Care clinic, you will be seen quickly by a medical professional – even if you are walk-in.
Costs Less
When you go to an emergency room in a hospital, you are going to pay a lot more than necessary. You will discover that receiving emergency treatment at an urgent care clinic will cost you much less – even for the same treatment and the benefit of not having to wait for hours to get the help you need.
The Quality First Urgent Care clinic is located in Brooklyn and stays open late – until 11:00 pm every night – seven days a week. Our emergency urgent care clinic 11204 accepts walk-ins and no appointment is needed. We also accept most types of medical insurance but we advise you to call ahead to make sure that we accept yours.
Emergency Urgent Care Clinic 11204
6010 Bay Parkway, 9th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11204