Small medical emergencies can happen at any time and they can occur to any family member. When they do happen, you need to know where to go to find local family urgent care. The Quality First Urgent Care clinic in Brooklyn, NY provides such care for the whole family.
The Advantages
Emergency rooms at hospitals make patients wait a long time before they are seen and treated. When you have a small emergency, you want your loved one, or yourself, to be treated quickly. At the Quality First Urgent Care clinic, there is almost no waiting time – whether you had an appointment or come as a walk-in.
Another strong advantage of using our urgent care center is that it will cost you a lot less than an ER. You will also find that you will receive the same treatment, too.
About Our Clinic
The Quality First Urgent Care clinic is much larger than most. Our clinic occupies 6,000 square feet of space. It is modern in design, high-tech, and we have doctors that care, too.
Our Treatment
Basically, we can treat anything that is non-life-threatening. This means that any other medical problem you or a family member might have can be treated here. We welcome and treat people of all ages.
Problems that we treat include a wide range of issues. Among them are bites from animals, burns, wound care, dehydration, allergies, lacerations, earaches, and more.
Special Programs
Besides providing urgent care and wellness care for the family, we also offer a number of programs to cover additional health needs. These programs include such things as IV treatment, lose weight, stop smoking, suboxone, women’s health, internal medicine, and dermatology. Other specialized treatment includes acupuncture, podiatry, asthma treatment, and some plastic surgery.
The Doctors
All of the doctors who provide our local family urgent care services are Board-certified. Some of them have worked in emergency rooms at hospitals, enabling them to give you the same treatment you would get at a hospital’s ER.
Our Diagnostics
If you should need some scanning or testing when you visit us, we are more than capable of handling those needs, too. We have some of the latest machines for testing, including x-ray machines, ultrasound and an MRI. Our state-of-the-art CT scan is better than that of many medical centers, and it is capable of scanning your entire body in a mere 30 seconds.
When testing is needed to provide a more accurate diagnosis, we have the tools for that, too. Our on-site lab is government approved. This lets us perform many tests and get results quickly. The tests include CBC tests – which gives us blood tests with 27 different parameters, flu, strep throat, mono, pregnancy, and urine.
We also provide other tests for HIV, STDs, and drug testing. We can also test people who want to get tested for the DOT.
The Quality First Urgent Care clinic in Brooklyn, NY provides local family urgent care. We welcome walk-ins and accept most health insurance plans. We are also glad to provide wellness care for all ages, and we stay open late to make it more convenient for you – from 11:00 am until 11:00 pm seven days each week.
Local Family Urgent Care
6010 Bay Parkway, 9th floor
Brooklyn, NY 11204